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Chung Tai-Shung Neal

Chung Tai-Shung Neal

National University of Singapore


Prof. Chung received his PhD from State U of NY at Buffalo (USA). He had worked for US industries for 15 years before joining NUS in 1995. He has produced 54 PhD students, published 1 book, 18 book chapters, 70 patents and patent applications, 564 journal papers and 350 conference papers. He is a Subject Editor of CHERD (Chem Eng Research and Design) and editorial board members of 20 journals including J. Membrane Science, AIChE J., I&EC Research, Desalination, Separation and Purification Reviews, Chemical Engineering J., Chemical Engineering and Technology, Polymer Engineering and Science, J., Applied Polymer Science, and many others. His H-index (Scopus) is 64 with citations > 16,900.

Research Interest

Prof. Chung research focuses on membranes for clean water, clean energy, and CO2 capture. In 2005-2008, he worked as a Senior Consultant for Hyflux, led and built its membrane research team. He was a co-inventor of Hyflux Kristal™ 600 ultrafiltration membranes which commercialized worldwide. He received (1) IES (Institution of Engineers, Singapore) Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award, (2) Hyflux‐SNIC (Singapore National Institute of Chemistry) Award in Environmental Chemistry, and (3) IChemE in Singapore Awards in Sustainability in 2010. He was appointed as Provost’s Chair and received Research Leadership Award from NUS in 2011. He became a Fellow in the Academy of Engineering Singapore in 2012. He received the Global Innovation Award, TechConnect 2014 (USA) and IChemE (Institute of Chemical Engineers, UK) 2014 Underwood Medal for Exceptional Research in Separations and Outstanding Researcher Award, National University of Singapore in 2015.