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Hsin Chu

Hsin Chu

National Cheng Kung University


Prof. Hsin Chu received his B.S. (1978) in civil engineering and M.S. (1982) in environmental engineering from National Taiwan University. After two-year services in Taiwan Army, he went to the US to continue his study. He received his Ph.D. (1988) in environmental health engineering from Northwestern University. He started his professional career in Energy & Resources Laboratories, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) back in Taiwan in March 1988. He did various researches in the fields of coal, oil, and gas combustion, low NOx burners, flue gas desulfurization, coal gasification, and electrostatic precipitation during the three and half years in ITRI. He accepted a faculty position in the Department of Environmental Engineering, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) in 1991. He has been promoted from an associate professor, through professor, to distinguished professor since. He also served as the director of the Division of Academic Services, NCKU, and the chair of his department in the recent years.

Research Interest

Prof. Chu has broadened his research interests to NOx/SOx removal from conventional flue gas, H2S/COS/HCl removal from gasified coal gas, catalytic and photocatalytic conversion of VOCs, resource reuse, chemical looping combustion, CO2 mitigation, and microalgae cultivation and bio-fuels production. He has published more than 70 refereed journal papers and one book chapter and has been awarded many times in the class teaching and research work. He has been granted 8 patents and one of the patents has been technically transferred to seven engineering corporations. He loves being a bridge between the academic and industries.