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Tariq F. Al Fariss

Tariq F. Al Fariss

King Saud University
Saudi Arabia


Prof. Tariq Alfariss is currently working as professor of Chemical Engineering in King Saud university, Saudi Arabia. He received his Ph.D. (Chemical Engineering) degree from University of British Columbia, Canada in 1984.

Research Interest

Areas of Interest: • Phosphate Processing and Phosphoric Acid Production • Pipeline Transportation of Mineral Suspensions • Fertilizer Manufacture and Processing • Rheology, Non-Newtonian Fluids • Rheology of Polymer Solutions and Water - Oil Emulsions • Flow Through Porous Media of Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluids • Petroleum, Petrochemical and Natural Gas Processing • Hydrogen Production by Water Electrolysis • Fluid Mechanic • Heat Transfer • Plastic and Paint Industries